Medicinal Plants Collection – Cinnamon

CHF 25.00

Cinnamon · Zimt · Canela (Cinnamomum)

The spice comes from the inner bark of a small evergreen tree. The bark is peeled and laid in the sun to dry, where it curls up into rolls known as cinnamon sticks. Cinnamon is also available in a powdered form.

Cinnamon thrives in tropical regions, where the main variety is Ceylon cinnamon from the Cinnamomum Zeylanicum plant, which comes from Sri Lanka. The other main type is Cassia cinnamon, which has a stronger taste and is slightly cheaper.

To maximise the medicinal value and health benefits of cinnamon, regardless of type, the key thing is its freshness. Some prefer the sweet, subtle flavour of Ceylon cinnamon in desserts and the stronger potency of Cassia in savoury dishes, but most commercial cinnamon is a mixture of the two.

Cinnamon is thought to have many medicinal and soothing properties, and is used frequently in Chinese herbal medicine. The distinctive smell and flavour of cinnamon comes from the essential oils contained in the bark, called cinnamaldehyde. Cinnamaldehyde displays antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It also contains large amounts of polyphenol antioxidants.

  • Technique: Ink on paper
  • Print: Natural off-white 325g paper, FSC (without frame)
  • Description: English, German, Spanish and the botanical name in latin
  • Size: 148 x 210 mm (A5)