CHF 25.00
Marigold · Ringelblume · Caléndula (Calendula officinalis)
Calendula is one of the easiest herbs to grow and a highly versatile medicinal plant. It has been used for centuries, both internally and topically, to heal wounds, burns, and rashes. The sunshiny flowers are a traditional remedy for supporting the immune system and lifting the spirits. If that weren’t enough, the edible ray florets of the flower heads (which look like yellow petals) are bursting with antioxidant compounds.
Calendula’s name derives from the Latin calendae, referring to its long blooming season—in certain locales it is said to bloom nearly every month of the calendar year. The species name, officinalis, refers to its historical use in apothecaries and pharmacopeias as the official medicinal species of its genus.
- Technique: Ink on paper
- Print: Natural off-white 325g paper, FSC (without frame)
- Description: English, German, Spanish and the botanical name in latin
- Size: 148 x 210 mm (A5)