Medicinal Plants Collection – Mountain Ash

CHF 25.00

Mountain Ash · Vogelbeere · Serba (Sorbus aucuparia)

Mountain ash, (genus Sorbus), also known as rowan, genus of several shrubs or trees in the rose family (Rosaceae), native to the Northern Hemisphere. Unrelated to true ashes (genus Fraxinus, family Oleaceae), mountain ashes are widely cultivated as ornamentals for their flower clusters and brightly coloured fruits.

Members of the genus are small deciduous trees or shrubs and usually bear alternate pinnately compound leaves, though the leaves of some species are simple. Forming dense inflorescences, the five-petaled flowers are often white and produce small astringent pome fruits that are important for a number of fruit-eating birds. The fruit of some species can be used in jellies or alcoholic beverages.

  • Technique: Ink on paper
  • Print: Natural off-white 325g paper, FSC (without frame)
  • Description: English, German, Spanish and the botanical name in latin
  • Size: 148 x 210 mm (A5)